Indiana Association for Career and Technical Education
2024 IACTE All State Conference
September 12-14, Indianapolis, IN
Indiana Association for Career and Technical Education
Explore CTE
Explore Indiana's 16 Career Clusters in our Career Pathways interactive and discover which CTE program is right for you!
What is Indiana ACTE?
The Indiana Association for Career and Technical Education (IN-ACTE) aims to promote and build career and technical education for Hoosier students who will one day become leaders in the workforce.
Indiana ACTE works to create support for CTE, while assisting educators with developing quality programs to boost Career and Technical Education.
Our career pathways are challenging and relevant to career and technical content, providing opportunities for students to gain dual college credit and prepare for life beyond secondary and post-secondary school. Indiana ACTE focuses on providing high-wage and high-skill opportunities for in-demand careers.