Course Content
Acronyms in Education
CTE Acronyms Sometimes, trying to teach students and manage all the other expectations of day to day life as a teacher can feel a bit like having a heaping bowl of alphabet soup. Here is a list to hopefully make it a bit more palatable and easier to look up those pesky acronyms used in CTE.
Teacher Self Care
Teacher Self Care
How to Find Your IEP
Standards, Lesson Plans, Differentiated Learning
New Teacher Tips and Tricks
Vincennes University: Dual Credit and Early College Explained
Cultural Responsiveness, Disproportionality, and Classroom Management
Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
Arts, A/V Technology & Communications
Graphic Design
Graphic Design
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
Ivy Tech: Dual Credit Explained
CEO powering on the entrepreneurial spirit
Increasing Community Awareness and Excitement by Leveraging Virtual Solutions
Increasing Community Awareness and Excitement by Leveraging Virtual Solutions
Professional Development For All Educators
About Lesson

Vincennes has two set-ups for their dual credit.  The one that most people/schools work with is called Project Excel and the other is referred to as Early College.

Project Excel is set up that the high school instructor completes most all of the paperwork (class rosters, course descriptions, student enrollment sheets, and etc.) and submits this information to the university.  The high school instructor is compensated for this work by receiving a stipend from the university.  The university pays the high school instructor a specific dollar amount for each of the students that are enrolled in the class(s) that they teach.  Each instructor of dual credit is mandated to attend a Professional Development day held on the Vincennes University Campus.

Most instructors teach more that one course for Vincennes.  The courses taught in Project Excel will vary depending on the course of instruction you teach.  Vincennes or your director will advise you what your topics will be.  If you are under the area of Early College you will most likely teach the same topics as Project Excel and you may also have an additional course that you teach

“Early College does not pay the high school instructor a stipend.  However, there is a person that you will report to from Vincennes that does most all the paperwork for you.  They should work hand-in-hand with you and assist you. The stipend is paid directly to the instructor and will be deposited directly into your checking or savings account, depending on how you set it up with Vincennes.”

If you have any questions about this process, do not hesitate to contact Vincennes University.

Exercise Files
Vincennes Dual Credit and Early college explained.docx
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